September 24 (Day 6)


  • Terry Fox run information:
    • On Friday, I need to dress warmly for the weather for the Terry Fox Run (in layers and in safe outdoor shoes to run in rather than winter boots or rain boots).  If it is snowing or raining lightly, we are still running outside.  (If weather is unsafe, we will be inside.)  I also need to bring a pair of dry socks to change into afterwards
  • Grammar homework:
    • Today your child received their first English grammar activity sheet, which needs to be completed by Thursday, September 26 (day 2).  French and English grammar will become regular homework for the year.  On every day 6, I will introduce a new concept in French grammar that we will work on in class during that week.  On that same day 6, your child will bring home an activity sheet that will need to be completed by day 2. I will follow the same format in English with grammar introduction on every day 3 followed by an activity sheet that will need to be completed by day 5.  Understanding grammar is an important part of writing in division 2. My goal is to have students refer to their grammar duo-tang regularly as a tool when they write; the same way they would use a dictionary as a tool. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your support.
    • Summary:
      • Day 6 - new French grammar homework
      • Day 2 - French grammar due
      • Day 3 - new English grammar homework
      • Day 5 - English grammar homework due
Today we:

    • Practiced for the Terry Fox run with M. Trevor - ask me how many laps I ran and what my goal is!
    • Continued working on our symmetrical monster figures in math
    • Read the book "When I was Eight" and had a discussion about Orange Shirt Day coming up on Monday, September 30
    • Put my French reading goal and strategies on IRIS - ask me to show you on a computer at home
    • Reviewed short and long "O" vowel sounds and practiced spelling long "O" words by playing a game called "Climb the Ladder"
    • Read in 25 minutes in English
    • Started our first French grammar homework on French sounds
    • Discussed physical and personality traits of the character Julie from the novel we are reading "Julie et le Bonhomme Sept-Heures" and wrote at least 5 sentences describing her
    Mme Emily sent home a French sound game called "Désolé", it is a version of the game Bump. Materials needed to play:
    • Two dice
    • 10 blocks of each colour
    How to play:
    • Take turns rolling the dice. The first player rolls the dice and places a block of their colour on the number they rolled.
    • They will say the sound on the square and think of a word in French that has that sound. For example, if I rolled 4, I would put one of my blocks on 4 and say "oi" comme dans le mot "oiseau"
    • The next player rolls and does the same.
    • If the opposite player rolls the same number, they will say "désolé" and bump the other player's block off the square. 
    • If the same player rolls the same number twice, they now have two blocks on the same square and that square is now locked and no one can bump them off or add to it.
    • Continue to play until there are no moves left.