Letter to Parents and Students (sent on School Messenger)

March 19, 2020

Dear Parents and Students,

I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I am thinking about every single one of you. As I am going through your child's work and photos for the yearbook, I am missing their smiles, laughter and our everyday interactions. I hope that everyone is doing well with the sudden change of routine and able to find some joy in the extra quality time with your families.

I will check-in with you again when more information becomes available but in the meantime, here are some suggestions:
Some other things to note:
  • We will let you know when other items can be picked up at a later date when we know more about the remainder of the year.
  • Yearbook creation is still in process and these will be provided at the end of the year or when it is possible.
  • Sound Kreations Dance videos were not taken as we intended due to the cancellation of classes, but M. Trevor is going through videos he had taken and will continue to try and make them available. He will send out a message when he knows more. 
  • Visit CBE's Learning at Home for more suggestions (https://cbe.ab.ca/programs/curriculum/learning-at-home/Pages/k-6.aspx)

Have a relaxing spring break and I will be in touch with you when we get more information.
Sending all my students a big virtual hug! ❤️

Thank you,
Mme Emily Cheung